Wednesday, March 21, 2018

As a kid, I dreamed about crossing Canada on bike.

I remember leaving home as a young teanager, with a bottle of water and 10 cents in my pockets to bike around Îles d'Orléans in Québec, just for fun.

I used the 10 cents to buy a Mister Freeze on the way back, wich gave me just enough "gas" to come back home.

From May 1st to August 13th 2018 I will cross Canada, without pretention, at a reasonable speed to take the time to see the country and visit with people.

I will take 104 days to cover the 6 425 km between the Gaspe peninsula where I live now, and Yellowknife where I spent 10 years of my life and where my son Émile was born. If everything goes according to plan, I should be in Yellowknife on August 13th, day of my 50th birthday.

... it should be fun !!